about me
IBYTAM: i bet you do
Welcome to my blog! What to expect: Random tangents and thoughts. Anything and everything Taylor Swift. Book reviews, eventually. Movie reviews. Poetry, maybe. Just whatever I’m thinking about. Enjoy!
about the blogger
I am a queer, 22 year old woman living in the American south.
Thank you for your condolences.
I’ve lived in the same town for my entire life, and as draining it can be to live here, I cant help but love my home. I am lucky, though. I’m a decently average white woman, with an unfortunately male dating history, and the privilege that comes with my “straight-passing” appearance. Because of my power within our community, bestowed upon me by our savior white jesus, I do my best to use my privilege to uplift the smothered voices around me. I am a loud and proud defender of human rights. As uncomfortable as it makes some, it is the bare minimum and the LEAST I could do.
I’m a huge reader, and I’m the type that rates books based on enjoyment, not technicality and rules. I read trash, but I have a ball doing it. You’ve been warned.
I have an emotional attachment to Taylor Swift’s music. I grew up with her, and her lyrics have made such an impact on me. Broken hearts, shattered friendships, internal battles. Her music just speaks to me. She isn’t the only artist that holds a piece of my heart in this way, but she is the most well known, so for ambiguity’s sake, I went with her lyrics for a blog title.
I don’t consider myself religious, but something closer to agnostic spirtuality. I believe that there is power in the natural world around us, and I have no idea how that connects to our great big conundrum of existence. But isn’t it fun to ponder?
I am a preschool teacher, specifically infants right now, and I have so many thoughts on childcare and everything in the realm of children, but if i start now we’ll be here all night. I will eventually have so many posts about it, y’all will be bored. Children are just tiny people, and it makes me very angry when they’re treated as lesser just because they’re little.
I'm a pisces, a lover of the color pink, and a hopeless romantic. Haven’t had much luck in that area, but heres to hoping i’ll find my fairytale lover some day. The astrology app I use likes to blame my aries venus, but I think I just have a habit of picking losers.